The Matrix is Your Enemy.



🌞 Good morning,

🕶️ The matrix will use you until you open your eyes. Only people who’ve been stuck in it or played by its rules really get how it works. Are you tired of feeling used? Are you tired of making very little money? If you are, I’ve got some bad news: You’re the one who can change things!

🪓 It’s time to get better at what you do. Think of it like sharpening a tool. If you don’t make it sharp, it will take you a long time to cut down a tree.

🤔 So, how do you make yourself better? How do you sharpen the axe?

📚 Read books to learn new things.
🔍 Try out new stuff to see what you like.
🌄 Face your weaknesses and try to get better.
🗣️ Practice talking and expressing yourself.
📝 Write stuff and share your thoughts.
📚 Teach others what you know.

👀 Have you ever met someone who used to be blind but can see now? I haven’t, but I am sure they’d talk a lot about it, maybe even dance and sing, and definitely write stories about it.

🌈 Find your own “sight” today, sing about it, and tell others. That’s how we break free from the Matrix.

🔥 Get inspired and inspire others! 🌟

~ Ayub

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