Sponsored Posts

Please note that we do not accept free guest posts. Therefore, we kindly request that you refrain from contacting us for such requests.

Before proceeding, please read the following guidelines:

  1. Use the provided email for specific post requests. We are unable to respond to generic inquiries about potential collaborations.
  2. When submitting your request, include the following details:
    • Title of your post.
    • The page you will be linking to.
    • Target keyword.
  3. Please ensure that all these details are provided. Unfortunately, generic submissions will be deleted by our assistant, and only serious requests will be forwarded to our inbox.

Sponsored Guest Post Rate:

To proceed with your request, please have a budget of $175 or higher. This is our base rate per sponsored post, effective as of July 2023.

To save time, please note that our rates are fixed and non-negotiable. If your budget falls below our base rate, we recommend considering other publications that align with your budgetary requirements.

Our sponsored posts are seamlessly integrated into our content and aim to educate our readers about topics relevant to your business niche.

Editorial Edits Rates:

If you would like your post to be included in an existing blog post, please be aware that the rates may vary depending on the performance of the post.

Expect to pay between $175 and $550 per mention.

Delivery Agreement (Binding):

  • One editorial do-follow link will be provided to your website’s homepage or internal pages, such as a service page or blog post.
  • Currently, the post is not marked as sponsored, but this may change in the future.
  • Your post will be guaranteed a minimum placement of three years. While we aim for permanent placement, we cannot guarantee it beyond this time frame. If our editorial direction changes and your post is no longer relevant, we may remove it.

To determine if we are a suitable fit, please initiate a conversation on the email: Leaders@leaderswithinfluence.com

Submit Your Request:

If your request aligns with our criteria, you can expect to hear from us within two days. If you do not receive a response within that timeframe, please assume that your request was not approved.

PLEASE NOTE: The fee for submitting a sponsored guest post will be allocated towards training leaders and empowering individuals from underserved communities. By investing in your content, you are directly contributing to the education and leadership development of those less fortunate.

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